Jón Haukur Steingrímsson -

Mitigating volcanic hazards on the Reykjanes Peninsula
Lava flows and protection of infrastructure, the Grindavík saga

Jón Haukur Steingrímsson is Engineering geologist with 30 years professional experience in site investigation, geotechnical / engineering geological design along with extensive construction supervision and natural disaster management. The Icelandic market is rather small and quite unique and those involved need to be jacks of many trades. The projects range from the smallest as mountain trails and outdoor areas to major power plants, tunnels, and transmission lines often in remote areas.

Avalanche and landslide mitigation barriers and most recently lava diversion barriers during the ongoing volcanic episode on the Reykjanes peninsula, where eight volcanic eruptions have occurred since 2021. During the last year he has been a leading figure in the active volcanic defenses for the town of Grindavík which has been evacuated since November 2023.

Magnus Rømoen

Digilitalization in geotechnics

Magnus Rømoen has 18 years of experience at the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) since graduating from NTNU, Trondheim. During this time, Magnus has combined hands-on experience in major consultancy projects with the role as head of NGI's onshore foundation section, a role he had for nearly eight years. Magnus has over the years managed some of NGI’s largest onshore infrastructure projects in Norway.


A dedicated member of the Norwegian Geotechnical Society (NGF), Magnus has contributed to the field, serving on both the board and advisory board for the past ten years. His leadership extended to his term as chair of the NGF.


In the last three years, Magnus has blended his extensive project management experience with a visionary role as NGI's BIM Strategist. Collaborating with his colleague Mats Kahlström, he launched a new Technical Committee (TC222) within the ISSMGE, dedicated to advancing Geotechnical BIM and Digital Twins. As chair of TC222, Magnus is driving the digital transformation in geotechnics together with the TC.


In this keynote lecture Magnus will share his insights into the future of digitalization in geotechnics.

Leena Korkiala-Tanttu

Recent developments in deep mixing in Finland

Leena Korkiala-Tanttu’s speciality in research is the geotechnics of infraconstructions including superstructures, foundations and ground improvements. During the Aalto era she has had research projects about for example the use of alternative materials, deep mixing methods together with the characterization of material parameters and their reliability, stability of cuttings, permanent deformations of pavement layers. Her own dissertation in year 2009 dealt with the permanent deformations (rutting) of low-volume roads. This research was based on the three fill-scale pavement tests in 200-2002. The research topics also include the automation of ground improvements (POHVA1). Since 2004 she has made research on nuclear waste disposal in several projects funded by Posiva OY and KYT-programme. One interesting area of research has been the life cycle analysis of infraconstructions from 2005. Besides these mainly Finnish projects she has been internationally involved in both COST actions and EU projects.

At Aalto University Leena has been a Professor of the Practice and Associate Professor in Geotechnical Engineering as well as Head of the department of Civil Engineering. She is now a Senior advisor and many students have been supervised and introduced to the exciting world of geotechnics by Leena. Leena has received several awards and was 2023 awarded with the White Rose Knight of First Class decoration by the President of Finland.

Minna Karstunen

Is there future for soft clay modelling?

Minna Karstunen is Professor in Geotechnical Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology, and a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers, UK. She is a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts in Gothenburg (KVVS) and was awarded an honorary doctorate by Aalto University, Finland, in 2023. Minna got her PhD at the University of Wales Swansea in 1998, supervised by Prof.Gyan Pande, funded by the Academy of Finland.

Her PhD studies were followed bya successful academic career in the UK, at the Universities of Glasgow(1996-2005) and Strathclyde (2005-2013). Minna joined Chalmers
in 2012, where she is leading adynamic group working on modelling and characterization of complex natural andengineered geomaterials, aiming to bridge fundamental understanding with applications in engineering practice.

Even though Minna
is internationally known for her research on constitutive modeldevelopment, in parallel, she has been working on other topics, including novel numerical techniques for representing periodic ground improvement on softsoils. Minna has coordinated a number of European projects related to soft soil modelling and engineering practice, and her over 130 scientific publications, include keynote lectures, such 10th Raúl J.Marsal Córdoba Lecture in 2022 in Mexico and NUMGE 2023 in the UK.

Ole Møller

Verification of adequate rotation capacity for steel sheet pile profiles by lem wall calculations with yield hinges

Meet Ole Møller, our Danish keynotespeaker. Ole is a geostatic engineer.He has worked the last35 years with Per Aarsleff A/S and during this time been engagedwith design of geotechnical structures in steel, timber and concrete, retaining structures and ground anchors. Ole has been involved instandards for design, execution and test of piles and ground anchors in Europe.As a member of the Danish standard committees for geotechnic, as chair since2019, he has participated in the development of the next generation ofEurocodes within SC7 as well as the Nordic Mirror Group for Eurocode 7. He is also a liaison officer for SC7 in SC3regarding EN 1933-5 Piling.

Ole is a member of the Danish Geotechnical Societyand has as such contributed with several lectures and articles. He is also an externallecturer for the education centre DKBI (Danish Construction and ConcreteInstitute) on ground anchors and piled as well as spread foundation. When notdedicating his life to the geotechnical science, he is a hunter and spends timewith his grandchildren. In his keynote lecture, Ole will give us insights in limitationsof models and pragmatic design of geotechnical structures.

ISSMGE President Dr. Marc Ballouz

Meet our first confirmed keynote speaker, the ISSMGE President Dr. Marc Ballouz. Dr Ballouz has been a dedicated member of ISSMGE since 2009 and his main role was leading the PIC, professional image committee where he released the video “what is geotechnical engineering” in 2013 that is still number one on the YouTube search for “Geotechnical”. In May of 2022, he was elected president of ISSMGE at the 20th ICSMGE conference in Sydney Australia.


In the mid-nineties, he practiced in academia teaching soil and foundation courses and doing research, and in parallel he established his own company Int’l IGM, specializing in design/built solutions with many reference projects and challenging achievements. He is currently an international consultant in forensic geotechnics following his expertise in shoring deep excavations, deep foundations, underpinning with micro-piling, landslide and ground stabilization, and structural designs. Lately, Dr Ballouz has become senior lecturer at Texas State University and as president of ISSMGE has given keynote lectures in more than 15 countries. 

ISSMGE Vice President Europe Prof. Lyesse Laloui

ISSMGE Keynote presentation

Meet Prof. Lyesse Laloui, our ISSMGE Vice President Europe. Prof. Laloui is a world-renowned scientist in his field and has dedicated much of his career to understanding the natural world for the benefit of society. His research and exploration of the mechanics of geomaterials and other geology has made significant contributions to our understanding of the physical mechanisms of these materials. From this, he has developed innovative and sustainable technologies for today and the generations to come. His efforts in areas such as sustainability, climate change, renewable energy and the optimisation of natural resources have been recognized and awarded by the European Research Council with an Advanced ERC Grant for his project BIOGEOS (BIO-mediated GEO-material Strengthening), followed by an ERC Proof of Concept Grant (PoC) in 2020. Prof. Laloui has also developed several projects for the European Commission as well as the Swiss National Science Foundation. He is a member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences.


Prof. Laloui is an active scientist at École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne since 1994, where he directs the Soil Mechanics Laboratory. As founder and honorary Editor-in-Chief of the Elsevier Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment journal, he is a leading scientist in the field of geomechanics and geo-energy. His research portfolio includes many written and edited books and over 350 peer reviewed papers. He is given keynote and invited lectures at more than 50 leading international conferences and won many awards in recognition of his work. In 2022 Prof. Laloui has been recognized for his commitment to global sustainability with two honoris causae from Heriot-Watt University (UK) and from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania).